Well, actually, maybe that was a lie. I do know.
I know what I like to read in blogs, but I haven't the faintest idea what might interest anyone else. So to my three (!) followers, any suggestions would be welcomed.
For now, I think I will content myself with suggesting a few blogs that I enjoy.
First, Lynn Caldwell at A Grammar of Chaos (http://grammarofchaos.blogspot.com/). Lynn is an absolute maven of rhetoric and has created a series of blog posts which introduce classical rhetoric in a very fun way. She shows that rhetoric is not scary, and even Aristotle is alive and well in the modern world. I keep hoping she'll throw in some Kenneth Burke eventually (cough hint cough).
Second, John H. Carroll at The World of Ryallon (http://ryallon.blogspot.com/). I came across John's blog very recently when I downloaded one of his short stories for my Kindle. Who wouldn't be attracted by a story called "The Emo Bunny that Should, A Story for Demented Children"? Well, suffice it to say that the story is awesome, and his latest blog post tells the story of how Emo came into being. I am hooked, and you should be, too!
And finally, Allie at Hyperbole and a Half (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/). Allie creates comics which are so hilarious that I have literally laughed so hard I cried. Her blogging is a bit sporadic at the moment because she is in the process of writing a book, but I suppose we must forgive her for that. I would recommend The Party, Texas, and Wolves. I feel that I must warn you, if you read this blog you will most likely become addicted. There, consider yourself forewarned.
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